The Life and Teaching of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
By Prof. Mohd. Abdullah
Paperback 103 Pages
Size : 22 x 14 cm
ISBN : 8174351116
About The Book
The forefathers of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi settled centuries ago in Thana Bhawan, Dist. Muzaffarnagar, U.P., India. On his fathers side they came from Thanesar, District Kamal and were Farooqi -by descent. On his motherside they migrated from Jhanjhana to Thana Bhawan & were Alavi by descent.
His father Mr. Abdul Haq was a rich man, educated in Persian, knew Quran very well and was very clever in understanding people. His mother was also an intelligent and saintly lady.
According to a Derwish’s prophecy he was born on 5 Rabius Thani 1280. A.H.; Wednesday Fajr time. His date of birth is „Karam Azeem“ which is nice.
This book is masterly written biography of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi by Maulana Prof. Mohammad Abdullah, Ph.D. The writer has given brief, yet detailed account of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s background, his birth, his childhood, his adulthood, his education, the Khanqah or Residence (it’s location, function & rules & regulations).
About The Author
Prof. Mohammad Abdullah, Ph.D. is the Khalifah of the Khalifah of Maulana Thanvi hence he is most suitable to write the Life History of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and he has done justice by writing the book „Life & Teachings of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.“ This book is must for reading for all of the lovers, mureeds and disciples of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.
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